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Chalet Leitner in Vals - Südtirol
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0039 340 2283104 Map
  • familienchalet-vals

    Familienurlaub in Südtirol

    Vacanza in famiglia in Alto Adige

    Family vacation in South Tyrol

    Wakacje w Południowym TyroluUrlop w Dolomitach


Our family chalet for a fabulous family vacation in South Tyrol


Are you looking for a beautiful location with an ideal environment for your next family vacation? Then visit our family chalet in Valles! A fantastic holiday region will be at your feet, where you may pursue all the activities that you and your loved ones feel like. During your vacation with kids you may hike, explore the mountain landscape by mountain bike, or indulge in a family vacation in South Tyrol amidst a world-class ski resort, which is considered very family friendly. All around Valles you will find the perfect conditions, all year-round, so that children have great fun and parents may relax and unwind.

Children can just be children in our family chalet. There is plenty of space for boisterous romping. Not only on our playground! Our farm animals the ponies, sheep, chickens, dwarf rabbits, and the tomcat Maunz, are happy to welcome new friends to explore the farm and learn exciting things. Everywhere, adventures lure! In the nearby larch forest, your kids may observe animals or build a dam. Tomorrow is a new day with exciting experiences and stories that your children will remember for a long time to come.

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We are sorry, at the moment we can not offer you any special offer. However, this may change quickly. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit our offer page again soon. You are also welcome to contact us directly with your individual request.

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